Thursday, January 3, 2008

2008 Begins my mind is wondering all over

It is official the holidays are over and school is in session again! So back to normal life in 2008... What ever that is...

OMG! Holy Cow we are almost a decade into the new millennium. Seems like yesterday that people were so worried about Y2K all the computers going down because of a programming error... Almost 7 years since the World Trade Center's Twin towers were attack by crazy fanatic people that have bastardized their religion into something twisted and sick. Planned by cowards and executed by suicidal brain washed idiots. Seems a lot of people have forgotten to me. There are more out there... People don't know how many horrible plots have been uncovered and stopped since then... Oops! getting a little to political, maybe because people in another state are picking who we will probably be voting for next November for president. Personally not one of the candidates Republican or Democrat seem worthy of the job.
Hilary positively makes my skin crawl. She'd do anything to have power including staying married to a a repeat cheater, and possibly having someone murdered over a property scheme...Remember? That poor lawyer in the park? CREEPY! God help us if she gets into power. What is even more frightening is that idiot in traffic this morning can vote too... YIKES! do any of us really know what these people running for office stand for? We get blurps on the news spun by what ever that reporter or station thinks. Press releases by the candidates. You just have to wonder who'd want the job of President. I wouldn't want it. It almost like if you want the job you should NEVER have it...

Enough political junk... I'm just getting a little worried where our country is going. The dollar so is weak. We are importing too much. Our kids seem more interested in video games than learning stuff in school to get good jobs and have a bright future. We seem to be nuturing a bunch of spoilt brats not future world leaders...

Guess I'm miss doom and gloom this morning. Yikes! promise to be miss sunshine tomorrow...

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