Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To do list for July 6th

1. walk dogs-
2. work out at gym-
3. sweep stairs-
4. finish cleaning girls' bathroom-
5.write out the check bills/ mail them
6. pack books to send to dad& mom and, Virginia's Circle journal-
7. clean off kitchen table
8. sweep and mop kitchen-
9. trim bushes-
10. get jeep's oil changed

One down 9 to go! 7:28
2.worked out Zumba and Diva Dance
3.trimmed front bushes 10:57AM
4.stair swept 11:23AM & dad stuff ready and Virginia's ( need to get to post office probably tomorrow now ;P) 3:12PM
6.swept & mopped kitchen 322PM
7.bathroom DONE! 4:13PM

Courtney took Jeep to work so i couldn't get the oil changed

The kitchen table is MUCH clear than it was... I may yet get it finished....

Dragging my feet on paying MORE bills....BLAH! they seem never ending

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