Monday, October 15, 2007

The scale is stuck....GROAN!

I was totally thrilled over a week ago to get on the scale and have it read 183. Unfortunately that was very short lived. The next day I got on the scale and it was back to 184. It's been bobbing between 185 and 184 ever since. I'm having a really hard time getting myself to put in the effort I know I need to reach my goal.
Food seems to be calling my name! Getting to the gym just seems like such a struggle. I only missed one day last week BUT I didn't have to miss that day... I do think I'm losing inches my clothing fits me differently. I'm so much toner. I'm building muscle. Muscle does weigh more than fat, BUT I'd still like that scale to move DOWN!

I need a new mini goal. My last one was to get the size 12's on and zip them. I did it! but I wouldn't go out in public in them, OMG! You could read my lips, not the ones on my face....TMI? LOL! Guess I need to go buy some size 10's???

Good luck to any one that is struggling with weight! or any other problem!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

man, do I TOTALLY understand that feeling! Can't wait until I can zip a size 12!!!!!