Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Labor Day weekend!

WOW! When I was a kid up north Labor Day Weekend was the official end to my summer. The day after school always started. It was something to look on with excitement and dread depending on what teacher you got. Good teacher means good year. I had my share of wonderful teachers Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Timmons, & Mr. Porus. Oh and I had some total clinkers too! Miss Foamer didn't need to be a teacher... Her and her matching shoes. She had every color of the rainbow in shoes in high heel and flats for the play ground. She should have worked in a high end ladies store. The shoes was the only thing I ever liked about her.... I never heard any one yell so much in my life. I wound up with major stomach problems, ulcers. A nine year old on Maalox she made me so nervous.... Thank goodness I had Mrs. Timmons the following year where I bloomed.

Guess I'm feeling a tad nostalgic still from the reunion...

What are you all doing for the weekend? We're going to be party hoppers. We have a part at the Hepbourne's and the Holton's Sunday and Monday. I don't totally get out of cooking because both require a dish. I picked cookies for one, and I'm think green bean casserole for the other. EASY!

I would like to go to the lake one last time.... Not happening.... Jim is on a business trip till Saturday afternoon.
I'm doing the next best thing and going to a crop! I haven't been to one in AGES! Debra and I are signed up for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get some quality time with scrappin'! I printed off some really fun pictures to scrap. I'm going to make one of those "collage" photos of Katie getting braces. I'm hopping the new Halloween paper is out for sale.

Well, I better get ready for the gym. Monday at the party the pool is open... not that two days in the gym is going to make this belly go in... Oh why did eat that chocolate cake??? Oh well, one good thing about winter coming I get to cover up my flab!


Lisa Dorsey said...

Oh have fun at your crop! That sounds like a great way to spend the holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

YAY, you figured out how I could leave comments :) (now just give a little teaser to Chris Dojay)
Your weekend sounds like fun, hope you enjoy every second! :)