Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, at least today I don't feel like killing any one yet... I did however make no bake chocolate cookies, ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's oatmeal cookie ice cream yesterday... I need to do an extra Zumba class... I bought the baked lays cheddar sour cream chips too... I really need an extra class or a hour on the arch... At least I didn't eat the chips...YET

I Hate hormones! I hate that I comfort eat. With stress I either eat or can't eat. It is usually really bad if I can't eat. So I should count my blessings???

Stupid stresses like the Polaris breaking, having to replace frost damaged trees & bushes, planning trips, camp, end of school, new phone, law suit, money crap, etc.... why is every big bill due at once?

Oh well, everyone has stress it is just on how you handle it. My coping mechanisms don't seem to be functioning at the optimum level and I seem to be falling back on bad habits. I need my jaw wired shut...

My new mantra: At least today I don't want to kill any one YET!

Gotta look on the bright side.

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