Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 157

197.4 YIPPEE!!!!

SO I'm not sure if it is the 17 Day Diet or the 1200 to 1300 calories that made the scale go down. I have not eaten an bread. Lots of salmon, skinless chicken and a egg a day. Eating all those vegetables! You have to eat a lot of vegetables to have any calories. So you aren't hungry! Getting two probiotic foods in is more than I'm use to eating. I'm trying Kefir. It was like drinking yogurt. Going to try it in a smoothie next.

Oh and I've been taking the dogs on a half hour walk every morning since Last Tuesday. I've been swimming everyday this month except one. At the gym everyday but Sunday....

I've been making sure I don't eat in that magic hour around my thyroid pill. If it isn't working it won't tell my body to release fat energy.

Right now I'm happy! not stressed. i was a bit stressed in May.

It just maybe be a combination of things. That works for me!

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