Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 152

LOVING THIS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER! Swimming everyday is WONDERFUL! Walking the dogs in the morning. LOVELY! plus no "presents" found in the hall way.... :)

I couldn't wait till the 3rd and got on the scale any way.... It went back down BUT not below 200..... SO FRUSTRATING!!! Just a few days off the wagon kills your "diet". Seriously this is a diet because I am restricting calories. But I really didn't over eat, and gained 3 pounds? I know I'm lifting weights and gaining muscle. It weighs more than fat. My waist measurement went down! I fit perfectly into my SEVEN jeans again! ( not size 7 but the brand...I'd be over the moon if I fit back into size 7 jeans not since college for that size).

Time for the gym! Andi's torture hour a.k.a. total Body Work out.

I get to make a topsy-turvy cake! will be baking this afternoon!

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