Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 22

224.2 sigh...

Feeling lazy trying to talk myself into another Zumba class. Why did they have to change it to 8:15AM?

I'm having intestinal issues this morning.... I poop out the last 2 ounces! Sorry TMI! No one can say I'm not getting enough fiber!

Didn't make it to morning Zumba maybe the 6:30PM one??? at least the cardio theater.

OK the size 18 jeans i could not even button the other day, I not only buttoned, but zipped them! WOO HOO! The scale may not be showing results as fast as I would like but my body is toning and tightening. My size 20 are lose! Talk about an ego boost and encouragement! SO GLAD I TRIED THEM ON AGAIN TODAY!


so Katie and I did the cardio theater. I found a new recipe to try tonight!

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