OAKLAND(Patriots) VS RIVERDALE ( Warriors)
Getting all ready to GO!
My action photography with the long distance lense needs WORK.
that blur on her swim cap is Patriot logo
Yesterday was Oaklands second swim meet against Riverdale. I was there the whole time took pics, but I can't tell you who won... Jim even kept up with some of the stats. Still clueless...SAD! Courtney swam in it doesn't know... Guess I'll find out tonight. It was our first meet. They had to do the math. I don't think it was done yet. Oakland had one other meet they won. I think this was MUCH closer. It was fun to watch there was always action going on, a lot of noise. Maybe by the end of the season I'll master my camera and understand the scoring... maybe, maybe not there IS hope.
I sure do hope y'all are the WINNER!!!!!!!
Wow, that was close! Love your new red shoes too!
And the glass vases will be so pretty with pinecones and christmas balls. Great buy!
Super cool action shots!
absolutely fantastic shots!
Cool pictures! We have a swimmer here too but I haven't had a chance to get pictures yet. I am always working the meets. :(
Good luck! Hope they won!
great pics... love capturing action like that!
Cool photos!
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