I think most people feel this way after Christmas and New Years. All the anticipation, preparations, and expectations, DONE. I must say that this year went extremely well. We had an exceptional Halloween. Taking down the decorations is always a bummer. The house just looks so bare! I am putting up Thanksgiving/fall type stuff but not nearly the amount. Who would have the energy? I've got to get my energy level up for Thanksgiving. Good thing I have a few weeks before then. My parents are supposed to be coming from Ohio barring catastrophe and/or snow...
I'm debating whether to start putting up Christmas up when they are here. That way people will see it. Nice to have people see the decorations if you go to the trouble of putting them up...
Oh well, I'm a bit BLAH today part of the whole let down thing... Halloween over, election over, and traveling husband. The icing on my cake of BLAH is my tween messing up in her math class. I got the email yesterday from her teacher. This is the EASIEST math class ever. I'm still so angry. The teacher doesn't grade homework she just checks to see if it is done and complete. They go over it in class to see if anyone has any problems. They then do a workbook page that is graded. If they don't receive at least a 85% on the workbook they can do it over up 3 times to get to 85%. As long as you do the home work assignments which are a point a piece and do the work book you are guarantied at least a B in the class. plus there are extra credit assignments. My Katie wasn't redoing her workbook. She had 4 under 85% that she just had not bothered to go back and redo. Needless to say she got grounded and the work was completed last night. I only wish the teacher had let me know sooner. The kicker is her math book is the best math book I have ever seen. It gives very clear examples and spoon feeds the lessons. They even have this wonderful website. When she doesn't under stand something does she read the book? NO! I haven't studied this stuff in YEARS and I can pick it up in minutes. Granted I am college educated, but NEVER a math whiz. Katie isn't stupid. she is actual pretty smart when she applies herself. She just isn't trying. She is making me crazy. How can I motivate her? I really don't think grounding her is great motivation. HELP!
Makes you crazy when they don't try doesn't it?
I am impressed you have pulled all the Halloween stuff down already. That is my goal for today. Just haven't had the time.
Hope your blahs disappear soon.
You really did an awesome job on the Halloween decorations and party! I love the photo of you with Freddy Krueger it made me laugh! Kids can be a challenge. Sometimes they just "don't get it" and will later. I try and say the choices you make today will effect your future. Some take longer to mature than others. Hang in there Mom!
Taking down Halloween a little at a time here - but don't have too much this year. Hope your blahs be gone!!
In middle school kids do this. Anya would pull all A's and then be in the D, F range the next time I looked! I just did what you are doing and made sure she understood MY expectations and that this behavior was TOTALLY unacceptable in our family. It took a couple of grading periods and a little settling of the hormones and she was a solid A student in high school. You are doing the right thing. Hang tough. Good luck!!!!
Hope you get over the blah's soon, maybe decorating for T.Giving and Christmas will help :)
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