No running game no problem! He'll just pass the ball.
Exciting nail biter of a game! Thank you defense! Lots of batted down balls, way to go! WOO HOO!
Well, I knew if there was smoke there was probably fire. Turns out as I'd feared that the math class isn't the only area Katie is slacking off on in school. I just got a look at her grammar test from language arts. She is re-taking the test tomorrow to HOPEFULLY get a MUCH better grade, that was the note I got to sign. I feel like strangling her. I went over the test briefly, because she gave it to me just before she had to leave this morning. She hid it all weekend. It wasn't a very hard test. I guess after school today will be going over rules of grammar I wish she would have shown me soon then we'd have a weekend to work on it not just one night. She doesn't realize it but she shot herself in the foot. I warned her she'll be grounded for the next 6 weeks if there is anything lower than a C on her report card. If there are more than one C tutors are in her future. No new clothes because I'll be paying for tutors with the money. She just doesn't get it. This is her job to get ready for college. I'm hoping the light bulb will come on...
Happy Moan-day morning!
ugh. it's so hard to get them to understand the ramifications of their grades, isn't it? To them, it's just a C. To us, it's their future.
congrats on the win. sorry about the grades. hopefully this will shake her up enough to straighten up
That's a tough situation, I hope things turn around on their own. She's got to want it though.
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