Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Thank goodness! Now we have a series! It was a roller coaster ride of a game. Jim and I both broke our clackers(those things that look like hands but have three section that move to slam together to make noise) Part of my "hand" went flying into the crowd. They were from last years play offs. They had a lot of use. Hopefully we'll get more. I LOVE those things! They save your hands! Any way I'll take broken clackers if that is what it takes for them to win! The Sommet Center was ROCKING! You had to be there to understand. I've never heard any event ever that the crowd was so loud. It was wild like the crowd totally willed the team to win.

So I'm a happy camper today Hopefully I'll be as happy after Wednesday's game.

I'm scrapping today with Debra, that is the plan any way. I need to make kits this morning. I need to print off pictures.

Guess I'm going to drag myself to the Total Body Work out this morning get my weight training in I should do more after what I ate yesterday I had a BIG juicy burger with season fries, tacos, and one of those deluxe caramel apples with nuts, chocolate.... OMG! They are GOOD! Guess it worth an extra class I'm not losing weight but not gaining. Today should be fruit and vegetable day....

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