Last week I couldn't bare to write about what happened with Danni and Dyson (our dogs). As some of you know we adopted Danni from the pound in August. she was much bigger at 50 pounds than Dyson at 13. He is my darling little papillon whom I adore... We finally had received the invisible fence collar for Danni. Jim began training her. The collar gives a dog a mild shock if they leaves the bounds of your property. Well, when Danni got her first shock she turned around and attacked Dyson. Jim grabbed her. We then told our girls not to let the two dogs out together till she was done training because of her reaction. Fast forward a few hours later... Jim and I went to the store for a few errands. My youngest Daughter accidentally let the two dogs out at the same time. Danni got shocked again and went for Dyson. Courtney separated the dogs but Dyson was hurt and Danni bit Courtney on the calf hard. she has a horrorable bruise and pucture wounds. We wound up taking Dyson to the emergency vet to be stitched up. We came to the the hard decision that we could no longer keep Danni. We can't have a that size dog that would turn on our other pets and children if hurt. Too dangerous in a neighborhood with many small children. So we took Danni back to the pound. All very sad.
Dyson and Courtney have healed nicely I'm happy to report. We are now looking for a puppy. Dyson needs a playmate. He's been unhappy since Danni left even though she hurt him. So pretty soon we'll be finding him a playmate we started looking today.
Oh my gosh, my heart left my chest when I saw that picture. We just got our second papillon (a red one) this week. Dyson looks similar to Scout. Oh my, I am SO sorry. Such a tough decision to make for your family. I pray that precious Dyson heals quickly. {{{hugs}}}
Wow, how scary and such a tough decision. HUGS!!
awww, so sorry that you had to make such a hard decision. (((warm hugs)))
such a hard decision (((hugs))) to you and your family
That must have been a very difficult decision to make. Hugs!
Sorry you had to make such a tough decision - but am sure you made the right decision. Hope everyone is healed up by now.
I'm so sorry about what happened. That's soo sad. glad your little dog is ok, and good luck finding a new furry playmate!
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