I've got a bunch of stuff to do today! Number one on the list is to go get my van tested for my way over due license tags! I got busted yesterday! Truthfully I knew they were over due I kept meaning to get over to the test site. It just isn't convenient location for me. When I would think of it I wouldn't have cash. I wish they'd take your debit card! Any way it is TOTALLY my fault. I deserved my ticket. but what cop pulls you over just for tags??? I wasn't speeding, had my seat belt on, no tail lights out... what a butt muncher!
I need to go work out! Yesterday I was tied up with PTO all morning for the membership drive. When I got home I was too in to my decorating with spider webs. Before I knew it it was time to get the girls from school, and get Courtney to her eye appointment. She still had the infection so we had to go to Ophthalmologists. new course of drops... non-sight threatening infection the doctor assured me ( thank goodness). By the time we got out of there it was past time for me to be leaving for the hockey game. (Preds lost ... sniff, sniff). Any way I'm not going to make it to 182 if I don't work out! I want to be 180 by Halloween! Gotta fit into that sexy costume...WoO hOo!
So everything I've put off all week needs to be done today! The laundry, a trip back to the pharmacy for Courtney's new drops, to Ross for my spooky bowl (please let it be there!), post office to mail out my secret pal package, to the bank to deposit Courtney's babysitting check, and so on... This evening should be nice! Katie has a sleep over, and Courtney has plans...Jim and might be able to have another date night...LUCKY ME! Marina's? YUM! more like the DVR and popcorn...
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