Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hockey Circle
This is the album cover
This is the first page of the album. All about us as fans.
I can't wait to see what the other ladies come up with about their fan experiences.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Last Day of School! It's Summer!
Now tell the sun that because it is drizzling and cool. It's been strangely cool this spring. so we are going shopping NOT laying by the pool.
Using up my stash! This is SEI hippy Chick papers from a few years ago. I needed to use my sewing machine since it doesn't have a ton of junk around it any more! I LOVE my clean work space! I've been very good about cleaning up after myself. Turning over a new leaf!
Well, time go spend money!
Using up my stash! This is SEI hippy Chick papers from a few years ago. I needed to use my sewing machine since it doesn't have a ton of junk around it any more! I LOVE my clean work space! I've been very good about cleaning up after myself. Turning over a new leaf!
Well, time go spend money!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Peanut butter cookies!
It's one of the recipes mom use to make a lot while I was growing up. I made them for the last day of school. Katie, shebly and Emily ate them on the way home yesterday.
Peanut butter Cookie recipe
1/2 cups shortening/butter (use a combo1/4 of each)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup granuated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 cup sifted flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cream shortening/butter, peanut butter together. Add sugars gradually and mix throughly. Add egg. Blend well. Sift together the rest of the dry ingredients add to creamed mixture. Mix well. Chill dough. Form dough into smallballs the size of walnuts.
Place 3 inches a part on either a lightly greased cookie sheet or parchment covered one.
Flatten the balls with a sugar dipped fork. Bake 10- 12 minutes at 375 degrees F.
Anyone that says they can't bake in my book is just plain lazy. Make a memory with your kids it only takes about 20 minutes or so...
Peanut butter Cookie recipe
1/2 cups shortening/butter (use a combo1/4 of each)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup granuated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 cup sifted flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cream shortening/butter, peanut butter together. Add sugars gradually and mix throughly. Add egg. Blend well. Sift together the rest of the dry ingredients add to creamed mixture. Mix well. Chill dough. Form dough into smallballs the size of walnuts.
Place 3 inches a part on either a lightly greased cookie sheet or parchment covered one.
Anyone that says they can't bake in my book is just plain lazy. Make a memory with your kids it only takes about 20 minutes or so...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Meet the babies!
Jim was power washing the front porch when he noticed something moving at the top of one of the pillars.
I had to get up on a ladder to take this, not fond of ladders, but this was worth it.
They are almost ready to leave the nest. They sure crap a lot! the base of the pillar looks like Conneaut break wall (covered in gull doo-doo). Guess Jim will be re-power washing the porch. That is as soon as they leave the nest.
I had to get up on a ladder to take this, not fond of ladders, but this was worth it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Blue balls....
I’ve been juggling so long my arms are tired. I'm a terrible juggler to begin with! I’m dropping balls left and right! Didn’t get stuff off for my MIL birthday in a timely fashion…the card is in the mail… package to follow… I just did not plan the time again…It’s like BAM! Today the day, it’s here!I always think I have more time. DUH! Today I totally spaced out on Katie’s orthodontist appointment. That’s a first. I’ll have to call and try to reschedule tomorrow. Katie spaced too, she knew about the appointment. Getting Courtney ready to leave kind of sucked my brain out, I guess. I don’t know what the deal is with me right now. I hope I snap out of it soon!
I’ve got to get over to the High school Courtney didn’t finish all the stuff she needed to do for scheduling her “college course”. To busy goofing off with Kori instead of doing what she was supposed to do. Now I get to fill out here paper work… We’re going to have a LONG talk about being responsible for herself, because ultimately it is HER life. I want it to be the best it can be. She is old enough now to take responsibility ESPECIALLY if she’s going to be driving…etc… It worries me she seems to lose her mind at times around her friends. BUT that is part of being a teen…
Got to get Katie’s camp stuff out tomorrow. A MUST.
I don’t know why I feel so stressed. I think it is PMS with a dash of economy worry, and a touch of the blues thrown in just to make life interesting. Oh and I’ve a funny mole I’ve been putting on the back burner…Need to make that appointment and a few others…
Something else is bothering me. A friend was like OMG your daughter is going to be gone for a MONTH. It really doesn’t make me sad. My friend made me feel guilty for a minute there, but that is just STUPID! Courtney's getting an awesome opportunity just like going to the wonderful summer camp or Australia with People to People. Granted during camp we at least saw her every two weeks. Australia we talked on the phone. Heck she was half a world away! We can do that everyday while she is at UT Martin. Text, Email, call, Facebook… probably talk more now she's gone!LOL! As long as I know she is all right and in good hands. Why should I be upset? I see no reason. I want independent scared of nothing daughters that don't need me 24/7. The more that they can try under my supervision or other responsible adults the better. Of course the person that was freaked over it has much smaller children…NOT teens… it’s good to send your tweens and teens away for a bit because you do find you miss them…LOL! yes, surprisingly! This is good practice to toughen us up for the real deal…off to college in two short years…
I’ve got to get over to the High school Courtney didn’t finish all the stuff she needed to do for scheduling her “college course”. To busy goofing off with Kori instead of doing what she was supposed to do. Now I get to fill out here paper work… We’re going to have a LONG talk about being responsible for herself, because ultimately it is HER life. I want it to be the best it can be. She is old enough now to take responsibility ESPECIALLY if she’s going to be driving…etc… It worries me she seems to lose her mind at times around her friends. BUT that is part of being a teen…
Got to get Katie’s camp stuff out tomorrow. A MUST.
I don’t know why I feel so stressed. I think it is PMS with a dash of economy worry, and a touch of the blues thrown in just to make life interesting. Oh and I’ve a funny mole I’ve been putting on the back burner…Need to make that appointment and a few others…
Something else is bothering me. A friend was like OMG your daughter is going to be gone for a MONTH. It really doesn’t make me sad. My friend made me feel guilty for a minute there, but that is just STUPID! Courtney's getting an awesome opportunity just like going to the wonderful summer camp or Australia with People to People. Granted during camp we at least saw her every two weeks. Australia we talked on the phone. Heck she was half a world away! We can do that everyday while she is at UT Martin. Text, Email, call, Facebook… probably talk more now she's gone!LOL! As long as I know she is all right and in good hands. Why should I be upset? I see no reason. I want independent scared of nothing daughters that don't need me 24/7. The more that they can try under my supervision or other responsible adults the better. Of course the person that was freaked over it has much smaller children…NOT teens… it’s good to send your tweens and teens away for a bit because you do find you miss them…LOL! yes, surprisingly! This is good practice to toughen us up for the real deal…off to college in two short years…
Back to Reality..What we did over the weekend
We took Courtney to her first college experience
here she is my the UT Martin sign. More on an earlier entry on this blog.
I took Katie & her crew to see Dance Movie and I went to see Star Trek! Yes, I'm a big geek! A dyed in the wool Trekkie. Live long and prosper! The new movie freaking ROCKED! AWESOME!
I had some scrapping time!
I did this over the holiday weekend. This is an old picture of me from 2002 at Commer's farm. I'll eventually get through 2002...

I had some scrapping time!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Off to Governor's School!
Brag time for mom! Courtney was chosen to to be part of the 2009 Governor's school. This is a very competitive honor. You have to meet some very high standards. This particular class had an average GPA of 3.85. Jim and I joked we wondered who brought the average down since Courtney is over a 4.0 with weighted classes. All these kids were the cream of the state. presidents of their FFA, 4H, or active in school etc. Really good group of kids. They all get to be SkyHawks for 4 weeks! College kids! six credit hours for free!
The program seems like it is going to be excellent. The description of the classes made me want to go! The trips they get to go on are very cool Chicago and St. Louis. This Governor's school is the only one that takes trips. It has some major sponsors. I don't think Courtney knows how incredibly lucky she is.

We've got a few kind of home sick texted. That is a FIRST. But I think once the classes and things are in full swing she'll be just fine. Right now is rough.her boyfriend, Nima just got on a plane to Chicago then after that he is going to California for the summer to be with his father's family. I think that is sinking in, plus she is practically joined at the hip with her BFF, Kori. She going to miss her terribly. And her ex Jesse to for that matter. They still are close friends. BUT I think if she gives it a chance, and the people a chance she'll grow to love it. At least I hope so!
one thing negative... They keep the dorms so COLD. I swear you could hang meat in those dorms! Poor girls wants more blankets! I don't blame her! maybe shipping her some warmer clothes!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Front beds are DONE!
Jim worked his behind off to get fresh mulch in them. I've been trimming bushes the past few weeks. With all the rain they are growing like crazy! I think I'm DONE, and they grow again!It almost makes me wish for the heat of mid-summer. Everything slows down growing... BUT not quite!

We might need to add a little bit more color. The hydrangeas are not doing as well as we'd hoped they would. Now the sprinkler system is one maybe they'll be happier. I think they are getting too much sunlight. Live and learn!
Now Jim wants to get the stone refreshed in the beds around the pool. I have to finish getting plants for the pots. So far all we have is a Hibiscus tree in one pot. Two to go!
I was right about American Idol being Kris!
Now Jim wants to get the stone refreshed in the beds around the pool. I have to finish getting plants for the pots. So far all we have is a Hibiscus tree in one pot. Two to go!
I was right about American Idol being Kris!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Story behind the wedding pics
Well, of course Jim & I got married...LOL! the pic of the groom's men playing on nursery equipment was taken because they were playing on the equipment the photographer thought it was pretty funny so he snap pics that way. We have a formal ones too...the photographer didn't get the bride and brides maids doing shots before going down the isle...Shame on us in Methodist Church too! LOL! I was so nervous I was shaking. You can see it in the wedding video My roses dancing all over the place!
I had a maid and matron of honor because I could not pick between my high BF and college BF. They are the ones with flowers in their hair. Nadene and Jody. We are still in touch though I rarely get to see them.
I was so sick the day of my wedding by the end I'd totally lost my voice and was running a fever. Poor Jim wasn't feeling much better! alcohol helped... By the time that pic with me and beer was taken the reception was almost over. My make up had given out and I was so tired! to tell The honest truth I really don't remember much about the day it went by in a blur! I'm glad I have pictures and video to prove it really happened or I might think I dreamed it...LOL!
jim did say just the right thing to me about me coming down the isle. He said I took his breath away. Doesn't every bride want to hear that?
I had a maid and matron of honor because I could not pick between my high BF and college BF. They are the ones with flowers in their hair. Nadene and Jody. We are still in touch though I rarely get to see them.
I was so sick the day of my wedding by the end I'd totally lost my voice and was running a fever. Poor Jim wasn't feeling much better! alcohol helped... By the time that pic with me and beer was taken the reception was almost over. My make up had given out and I was so tired! to tell The honest truth I really don't remember much about the day it went by in a blur! I'm glad I have pictures and video to prove it really happened or I might think I dreamed it...LOL!
jim did say just the right thing to me about me coming down the isle. He said I took his breath away. Doesn't every bride want to hear that?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Happy Anniversary to Jim and I!

Blast from the past layout of Katie at Commer's Farm in 2002. She loved feeding the funny Emu.
Nineteen years!In that time We've been through 5 moves. We've bought three houses. Two which we totally repainted and redecorated, the last one was easy NEW! We've owned 8 different cars/vans.Supported each other through Grandparents passing away. We've been on several major Family vacations and a few couples vacations just for us! We've had 3 dogs. Chabby for 15 1/2 years and now are two tiny yappy dogs we said we'd never have ....LOL! We've had who knows how many cats! We've both had 4 jobs (four different places of employment). We have two beautiful girls, teenagers both now! The best part is we're still going strong! Waiting to see what happens next!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Soaking Up the Sun

Simple page with that lovely K and company paper! I made the flip-flops to match copying a sticker design. Love fun quick pages!
My mom is in the hospital after surgery so if you are a praying type person send her a few for a FAST recovery. she had a rough go of it. Thank you!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cleaning Bug Spreads
My closet was supposed to be next, but Courtney ask to have nima spend the weekend here since they won't get to see each other for about two months. So the guest bedroom because a priority.
I swear I don't know how it gets this way! We have a tendence to use it as a wrapping area/storage area around Christmas. It just snowballs.

This time I had a little help from Courtney. She swept the entire up stairs, and the guest room once it was pretty much cleared out. Now it is at least ready for summer company! the closet is next...GROAN!
I swear I don't know how it gets this way! We have a tendence to use it as a wrapping area/storage area around Christmas. It just snowballs.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Multi-photo layout for Denise

KI glittery paper lace with BUTTERFLIES!!! Gotta love that! Well, if you are me you do. The one who loves almost all things butterfly related.
Anyone watching THE FASHION SHOW? I know it a big rip off of Project Runway, but it's good!
Bunco was truly fun last night. I was the biggest loser, LOL! Aside from the money prize I got perch in the most comfortable chair-and-a-half at Tami's house for most of the game. Everyone made the rounds and I got to visit with almost everyone. The food was delicious! Thank you Tami for hosting!!!
Time to clean the guest room. Courtney's boyfriend is spending the weekend with us. Last weekend before Courtney leaves for Governor's school and he leave for Chicago then California. hey, much easier now with cell phones, computers, etc... we'll see...
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm in love with K & Company's Que SeraSera line. I wish I had more pictures that would be perfect for it... I'm going to start making my family dress up...LOL!
dig out the heritage photos...
I've had a request for multi-photo layouts... When I start scrapping all I did was multi-photo layouts. Not so much any more for two reasons. When I started 1996 hardly any one had digital cameras. You had to print all the the photos. I simply couldn't waste the photos money was spent to print, too frugal. Plus the girls were still all doing firsts, and i took hundreds of photos. Now with digital you just blow away the OK photos and keep the best. I don't take half the photos I use to take even with digital camera. hey, I 've got teenagers now and they don't want mom taking their photos all the time. The "ham" stage has past. Now body issue rule the day...GROAN! Oh just for Denise a multi-photo layout! Tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Being Silly

Two of Courtney's friends that use to date. Lots of teen drama with these two that was very entertaining as long as they weren't my kids...These two hate each other now... Very tongue and cheek title. Cheesey song lyric I always wanted to use... LOL!
Yesterday I took a hour and relaxed by the pool with a book. Didn't even think about sun block...Can you say STUPID? Hi! I'm lobster girl. Well, I won't do that again, this year... Oh and the best part is I never flipped over so only one side is crispy the other is WHITE. DUH!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Still Re-Organizing/Cleaning
Neater but not quite up to standard.I still need to find some decorative boxes to put stuff in rather than the cardboard moving boxes. Those plastic containers are totally empty. I'm thinking they might be a big help when I move to doing Jim's and my closet. I have one little section above the cabinets to finish! Then superficially the room will look presentable. Sorting everything out, and organizing it will take some time. I have a devil of a time letting go of stuff I bought. Seems like such a waste of money! Plus I've found I do use things I've horded since 1996. I need to get rid of swap things I'll never use. We all have them, if we've been scrapping long enough. Stuff from swaps you'd never in a million years put on one of your pages. Things people made not quite up to par or not your taste. I have a stack of paper dolls and paper piecings I'll never use. The people worked hard on them so I feel bad. That is why I don't do embellishment swaps any more. I wonder how many of the things I made wound up in the trash. Oh well! They are going to have to GO! Sorry!
And Finished!
Neater but not quite up to standard.I still need to find some decorative boxes to put stuff in rather than the cardboard moving boxes. Those plastic containers are totally empty. I'm thinking they might be a big help when I move to doing Jim's and my closet. I have one little section above the cabinets to finish! Then superficially the room will look presentable. Sorting everything out, and organizing it will take some time. I have a devil of a time letting go of stuff I bought. Seems like such a waste of money! Plus I've found I do use things I've horded since 1996. I need to get rid of swap things I'll never use. We all have them, if we've been scrapping long enough. Stuff from swaps you'd never in a million years put on one of your pages. Things people made not quite up to par or not your taste. I have a stack of paper dolls and paper piecings I'll never use. The people worked hard on them so I feel bad. That is why I don't do embellishment swaps any more. I wonder how many of the things I made wound up in the trash. Oh well! They are going to have to GO! Sorry!
And Finished!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I used NEW paper too! With a little old thrown in because it just worked. Left overs from a staining/aging project with the Harlequin paper. One the most useful projects ever, though at the time I didn't know. i actually didn't use it in the project I'd stained it for, but it's all good!
i used my k & Company que SeraSera paper 8x8 and used a DCWV scallop paper as a pattern. That flower is recycled. It once graced a hat for a garden party crop.
Finally scrapping last spring! it so strange to look at Emily, Shelby and Katie's pictures from last year. Katie and Shelby have changed SO MUCH. My BFF and I were talking about how grown up Katie looks now. As soon as she gets her braces off she'll look like she is 20. Scary thought! But I'm afraid it is so true!
I finally broke into MAMBI paper I've been hording for months now. Great shaped papers with glitter and flocking. LOVE'EM! I hate when I do that, horde, but I just liked the papers so much. I wanted a good design. I wanted the colors in the picture to work with it. Ingrid G had a very cool design that I scraplifted, and put my own spin on it.
Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

I finally broke into MAMBI paper I've been hording for months now. Great shaped papers with glitter and flocking. LOVE'EM! I hate when I do that, horde, but I just liked the papers so much. I wanted a good design. I wanted the colors in the picture to work with it. Ingrid G had a very cool design that I scraplifted, and put my own spin on it.
Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Friday, May 8, 2009
Braver than ME!
Today is supposed to be battle of the bands. The weather does not look promising... so far no word on the update website about cancellation. So maybe!!! NOT ...
postponed due to weather....
Courtney's Award Ceremony
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Oh no it's Thursday all ready?
There is now tequila in the house again... Viva margarita! LOL!
Last night was lady's night out. A very small one just Susan , Debra and I, BUT fun! Actually I think I like it better in a small group. Easier to talk to everyone, and more attention by the waiter. We had some yummy food, the movie was OK. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past had it's moments BUT not enough and the whole plot line was a bit weak. based on "A Christmas Carol". It didn't quite work for me. If you ask me he was forgiven way too easily... You can wait for DVD on this one. All in all a really fun night!
Today my mother's day present to me is coming! House cleaners!!!! I'm just doing the final pick up around the house! YIPPEE!
Tonight is Courtney's award ceremony. She found out what her honor was going to be and was a tad disappointed... It's because she was chosen for Governor's school. I don't think she gets what a BIG DEAL it really is to be chosen. Guess I'll be proud for both of us...
Guess I better finish my picking up.
Edit: Add on
I now have a MUCH cleaner house. The cleaning crew that came through did an OK job. I've been going around fixing the things they missed, BUT that is MUCH easier than not having the help.
I may invite people over this weekend...
Last night was lady's night out. A very small one just Susan , Debra and I, BUT fun! Actually I think I like it better in a small group. Easier to talk to everyone, and more attention by the waiter. We had some yummy food, the movie was OK. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past had it's moments BUT not enough and the whole plot line was a bit weak. based on "A Christmas Carol". It didn't quite work for me. If you ask me he was forgiven way too easily... You can wait for DVD on this one. All in all a really fun night!
Today my mother's day present to me is coming! House cleaners!!!! I'm just doing the final pick up around the house! YIPPEE!
Tonight is Courtney's award ceremony. She found out what her honor was going to be and was a tad disappointed... It's because she was chosen for Governor's school. I don't think she gets what a BIG DEAL it really is to be chosen. Guess I'll be proud for both of us...
Guess I better finish my picking up.
Edit: Add on
I now have a MUCH cleaner house. The cleaning crew that came through did an OK job. I've been going around fixing the things they missed, BUT that is MUCH easier than not having the help.
I may invite people over this weekend...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My Nonsense
Did you cerebrate Cinco de Mayo? I did a small salute! I bought some margarita mix and made a frozen one. Too bad all I had was lime tequila that Jim tops off his land shark beer with on occasion. It made it really limey. We have every other liquor known to man... maybe a bit exaggerated, but we are well stocked in the bar area because we have quite a few parties. Seriously I found 7 bottles of vodka Grey goose, Tito's, Sky, Level, several flavored vanilla, lemon,raspberry... several bourbons, scotch, a bunch of different rums white, dark, spiced, flavored, gins, and liquors like Bailey's,43, etc... we're usually set. That's why I didn't go to the liquor store... Must have used up the regular tequila... note to self, stock more tequila! The 'rita was pretty good limey and all...
I did nothing much last night but watch TV. Who do you think is getting kicked off Idol? I hope it isn't Kris. Actually I wish they could keep them all. I love ALL of the final 4! I'd be happy with any of them being the new Idol... I love The Mentalist. I find it very entertaining! I love the fact Comcast now has all those TV shows on demand like NCSI, all the CSIs, and the serial murder show Harpers Island! So when I have a lazy nothing to do night there is something to WATCH! Plus there is pay-per-view!!! LOL!
I stayed up way too late last night. I rented a pay-per-view movie " Zack and Miri Make a Porno". Yes, not a "kids movie". Quite bit on the raunchy side, so not for everyone... BUT it was so FUNNY! I haven't laughed that hard in a while over a movie.
I've got to finish up Mother's day today. Use the Kohl's bucks before they expire. get hangers. Ever notice how hanger just seem to disappear? Probably means we need to thin our closets. I'm doing a bunch of mending that has needed attention for ages. Now that I can get to my sewing machine it makes it easier...
The weather is still disgusting. Since we got the pool up and running it has done nothing but rain...I HATE Murphy! He's so darn MEAN! Well, this should mean Jackie can go to Lady's night out! Her son's game has to be called due to rain! Silver lining!
Well better get at it! Have a great day everyone!
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