Courtney has a military ball on Valentines Day so Monday we went formal shopping. These are the two dresses she liked best She wound up with the green, BUT really wanted the pink for $100 more... Hey, prom is coming up...
Which do you like better?
They are both nice, but I think I'm partial to the second one. She looks great in both though! :)
Well, I actually like the green one better and think it is more appropriate (don't kids just love that word LOL) for the military ball. The green dress draws attention to her face where the pink dress, all I see is dress. Looks almost like a corset?? Oh little Court is growing up. Still can't believe she will be 16 next month.
They are both nice, but I think I'm partial to the second one. She looks great in both though! :)
Well, I actually like the green one better and think it is more appropriate (don't kids just love that word LOL) for the military ball. The green dress draws attention to her face where the pink dress, all I see is dress. Looks almost like a corset?? Oh little Court is growing up. Still can't believe she will be 16 next month.
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