Poor Boy!
It is raining out there and cold. I slept in I would have slept in more with out my darling or not so darling dogs as case maybe right now. Rotten P.I.T.As.
Jessie survived shopping with us. He also survived the Hockey game. He even wore these dorky gold Christmas balls on his head (this poor boy has it BAD) because Courtney wanted him to do it. They got on the Megatron. I missed it because Jim and I went get something to eat. DRAT! Those would have been great pictures. Jim and wore our new jerseys. I decorated mine with my Pred pin collection. I even got my old skull pin to light up! Woo Hoo! I need to sew on the tenth anniversary patches. It was an exciting game from the get go. Adam Foote for the Blue Jackets attack Jordan Tootoo (STUPID) 90 seconds into the game. Jordan not only flattened the guy, but he got two penalties and game misconduct. We got the first goal from that power play too. It was a back and forth game BUT the steak continues 12 straight games, Predators WON! We had a great time! Plus the mystery people in seat 6 and 7 showed up! They have season tickets and just made it to a game... people amaze me sometimes, but I'm glad they bought season tickets.
I'm going to do laundry, and scrap today those are my BIG plans. If I get real crazy I'm going to put away some Christmas decorations or just put the wrapping paper back in the attic. Perfect weather for it!
I must say I LOVE Cold Water Creek! their sizing is so generous! I have to wear mediums!!! Vanity thy name is Kate... they got my hook line and sinker! I'm taking the dress I bought back to Ross's. I bought this gorgeous black and gold duster. It's gorgeous and I can wear more plus it was a medium!
Got on scale today and I was 181 again...Go figure.... I hope this is going to be a trend downward! I have no clue what I did different. But come on 180!!!
I want more coffee! Too bad I don't have a coffee fairy...
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