My new rose bush Jim plant a few weeks ago, in full bloom now!
Katie got back from her St Louis Band trip. She had a total blast! I'm going to steal her camera card ASAP! She said she really didn't take that many pictures because she didn't like carrying a bag around with her all the time. DRAT! Her favorite place was the Imagination play ground made by artists out of all recycled materials. Semi-dangerous there were sign every where that you played at your own risk. She said it was totally cool. Two thumbs up
They actually played their instruments at the arch. Kate said it was HUGE. Wasn't all that impressed though... I guess the view wasn't all that??? Crazy kid!
Six Flags got a big thumbs up. I knew it would. My family is amusement park crazy.
she was evil and ditch anyone that was chicken to go on the roller coasters...
Katie also came back with a mysterious boyfriend named, Dallas. Courtney eaves-dropped for me. I guess this dude is 15 or that is what Courtney gathered on her fact finding mission... I couldn't pump Katie for more information though... OH no I think 15 is too old yet for Katie...

Jim and I worked in the front beds Saturday. I trimmed bushes and he got a load of mulch, and spread it. We got a few more plants. We have a little herb garden at the side of the house now with rosemary, mint, sweet basil, and spearmint. Couldn't find the thyme I wanted or cilantro. We will keep searching! We also got some gorgeous blooms. Highly colored daisy type flowers the names escape me right now. We need more mulch and more color. I did plant gladiolas, but they won't be up for a month or two.

I've managed to get most of the red food color out of our clothing from the fake blood with only 3 or 4 washings...ROFL! Note to self go shopping at Goodwill before being a zombie then THROW away the clothing!