Well, it looks like Courtney doesn't have to go to the prom nude after all. Good thing! She has lovely long hair, BUT not as long as Lady Godiva I suspect... Any way she will be working at Jim's office this week. At $9 a hour with three days work she'll have her half, BUT I don't know if they will need her all 3 days... oh well two days will make quite a dent in the debt! There's always babysitting! She has till April 17th... what we'll do for hair and nails... Thank goodness she is wearing the same shoes!
She had her fitting today. The dress basically just needs hemmed and darts taken in at the bust. We go for final fitting April 3rd if all alterations are OK we get to take it home after paying for it of course...
We got her a new strapless bra and some jewelry. She tried both with the dress. The jewelry we both decided wasn't going to work so it is going back to Kohl's. It's very pretty but just not right. I've been cruising the web and ebay since looking for the right set.
I realize that she is only a sophomore, but getting invited to the prom is a big deal to her. There is no guaranty that she'll be ask to another. I'm pretty sure she will be. But there are lots of girls that never go, or go with someone that they aren't thrilled with, just to go. Plus this is an adventure going to Brentwood's prom...
I went to St Joe's prom my junior year with my SIL brother, Brian, as my adventure can't say I remember much about it except my WAY OLDER sister (jab, jab she reads this) yelling at me for getting back to her house at 6am. OMG! It was PROM! Plus I didn't do anything wrong! If it had been up to me I would have gotten back sooner. I really didn't know Brian all that well, once I did... that's another story... My prom memories... Oh, and my mom made me wear the same dress to my senior prom too because no one in Conneaut had seen it, so I got one pretty dress. Mom made it. It is lovely I got to pick the pattern and fabric. But none of the fun dress shopping, except to help my girlfriends pick out their dresses. I was a bit envious. Stupid of me, Wanda's mother was dead no one to make her a dress, or shop with her except me. I'm sure she would have gladly traded that beautiful store bought dress for her alive mom making one. Cindy's was off rack in a mall store a bunch of other girls wore the same exact dress, not one made especially to fit her, but back then I didn't think of things like that, what teenager does? So maybe I'm living through Courtney a little with the shopping... I think I got my fix and then some...
Any way Courtney is off to work today to pay for her part of the dress!