Soon to be FULL HOUSE!
Today we pick up the girls at camp! Both will be home for the 4th of July week. In four days my brother's family will be here for a visit. After having the house pretty much to myself for almost a month it is going to be HUGE adjustment, but a good one. I was beginning to show signs of being a hermit...
I actually had a dreaded home party this week, Premier Jewelry. I love their stuff!
It was very small turn out, but predictable because of the timing. Half my friends were either teaching VBS, on vacation (lucky bitches!), at base-ball games, or having baby-sitter issues (glad I'm past that now). But three friends made it, and another wants to order. It was nice little party. I have food left over for an army, BUT that is good today I'm taking it for the end of camp picnic. Jim and I ate it for dinner last night (bonus no cooking for me!) My house is spotless so ready for company. I may have to run the vacuum again and dust, but everything is in place so that will be a snap. Heck I may have the girls do it!
Porch hanging basket flowers

Iron Butterfly

Jim and I have enjoyed having some time to ourselves. We went to one of the wonderful juried craft shows in Nashville. We bought a iron sculpture for one of the beds by the pool of a butterfly. I LOVE IT! Last weekend we bought perennials plants and Jim put them in the bed. I am very please with how it turned out. We also bought the HUGEST hanging baskets I've ever seen for the front porch. OMG! they are gorgeous! Just $25 a piece which I thought was a total bargain. any way it has been fun perking up our place!
We also got to eat out just us! We went to Fridays and tried the Ultimate food network challenge winners food. It was really fun to have watched on TV then get to try it! They put them on the menu! we got different things and shared them plus a piece of the vanilla bean cheese cake (which I HIGHLY recommend). It was perfect! We really enjoyed ourselves.
Hope everyone is having a lovely week!